The story behind Scary Hours generated 6 years ago as I was introducing myself to the sport of bodybuilding. At that current time I had 3 jobs while taking on a challenge of fitness that sure can change you physically, emotionally and mentally. With all the daily tasks at hand each and every day I came to points where my energy levels were low and the days felt longer. Through it all there was always signs of hope that kept me going!
Scary Hours is held in many situations and during many different times of the day!
To the student athlete putting in extra reps in while his friends go party.
The individual who is pulling 80 hour work weeks.
The restaurant server pulling 5 doubles a week all summer.
The single parent with multiple jobs.
The Construction worker clocking in at 3am.
The College Student with a full-time job while studying for their masters degree.
The small business owner trying to grow their dream 7 days a week.
Scary hours wasn’t created just to be another trendy clothing line on the market. Scary Hours is a statement, Scary hours is for individuals who understand a certain lifestyle that they will do whatever it takes to get ahead or to go get it done!